Resources for Graduate Psychology Students
Scholarship Guide for Black Students

This page offers valuable information about scholarships available to Black students, many of which can be used for students interested in graduate psychology. The comprehensive list of Black scholarships are offered by a range of sources, including professional organizations, universities, and private foundations and include national scholarships, regional scholarships, scholarships available at HBCU’s, and related podcasts that discuss additional funding opportunities. Each scholarship includes a brief description, eligibility requirements, and the amount of the scholarship.
Scholarship Guide for Native American Students

This page offers valuable information about scholarships available to Native American students, many of which can be used for students interested in graduate psychology. The scholarships are designed to help Native American students overcome financial barriers and achieve their academic and career goals. The list of Native American scholarhips include national scholarships, regional scholarships, fellowships, grants, internships, professional organizations, tribal colleges and universities and Native American podcasts that discuss additional funding opportunities.
National Psychology Resources
There are hundreds of associations, organizations, agencies, consortiums, societies, institutes, boards, and other groups in the United States that help support and encourage growth in the field of psychology. The following U.S. psychology resources are sorted by popularity and can be searched with specific terms using the instant search filter box. They also can be searched alphabetically by clicking on the blue resource bar. Helpful search terms for specific topics might include (to name a few): certification, exam, internship, clinical, forensics, child, family, marriage, social, women, gender, autism, and geriatrics. State and subject specific resources can be found on their corresponding pages.
Resource | Tags |
National Institute of Mental Health The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is the lead federal agency for research on mental disorders. NIMH is one of the 27 Institutes and Centers that make up the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the largest biomedical research agency in the world. NIH is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). | #555 |
American Psychological Association APA is the leading scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States, with more than 133,000 researchers, educators, clinicians, consultants and students as its members. Our mission is to promote the advancement, communication, and application of psychological science and knowledge to benefit society and improve lives. | #555 |
National Alliance on Mental Illness NAMI is the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. Today, we are an alliance of more than 600 local affiliates who work in your community to raise awareness and provide support and education that was not previously available to those in need. | #555 |
Association for Psychological Science The APS is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement of scientific psychology and its representation at the national and international level and is the global scientific home of more than 25,000 leading psychological science researchers, practitioners, teachers, and students across all continents. | #555 #137 |
APA Psychologist Locator The Psychologist Locator makes it easy for you to find practicing psychologists in your local area. The Psychologist Locator lets you consider many factors in searching for psychologists, including their areas of specialization, gender, insurance accepted, languages spoken and much more. | #555 |
American Psychological Association of Graduate Students APAGS builds a better future for psychology by serving as a united voice to enrich and advocate for graduate student development. APAGS aspires to achieve the highest quality graduate training experience for the next generation of scientific innovators, expert practitioners and visionary leaders in psychology. | #555 |
List of American Psychological Association and Affiliated Journals APA is proud to publish over 90 peer reviewed journals panning the breadth and depth of psychology, many published in partnership with APA's specialty Divisions and other national and international societies. | #555 |
The American Journal of Psychology The AJP was founded in 1887 by G. Stanley Hall and was edited in its early years by Titchener, Boring, and Dallenbach. The Journal has published some of the most innovative and formative papers in psychology throughout its history. AJP explores the science of the mind and behavior, publishing reports of original research in experimental psychology, theoretical presentations, combined theoretical and experimental analyses, historical commentaries, and in-depth reviews of significant books. | #555 |
PSI CHI, The International Honor Society in Psychology Founded in 1929, the Psi Chi mission is to encourage, stimulate, and maintain excellence in scholarship of the individual members in all fields, particularly in psychology, and to advance the science of psychology. | #555 |
APA Divisions APA’s 54 divisions are interest groups that represent subdisciplines of psychology (e.g., experimental, social, or clinical) while others focus on topical areas such as aging, ethnic-minorities or trauma. | #555 |
Elsevier Journals in Psychology Publishes journals covering Applied Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Educational Psychology and Social Psychology and Cognitive Science and Cognitive Neuroscience. | #555 #082 #085 #087 #115 #095 #097 #121 |
American Board of Professional Psychology The ABPP serves the public by promoting provision of quality psychological services through the examination and certification of professional psychologists engaged in specialty practice. Board Certification through the ABPP provides peer and public recognition of demonstrated competence in its affiliated specialty areas. Additionally, Board Certification through ABPP provides the professional with increased opportunities for career growth, including employability, mobility, and financial compensation. | #555 |
International Society of Political Psychology The ISPP is an interdisciplinary organization representing all fields of inquiry concerned with exploring the relationships between political and psychological processes. Members include psychologists, political scientists, psychiatrists, historians, sociologists, economists, anthropologists, as well as journalists, government officials and others. | #555 #117 |
Wiley International Journal of Psychology The IJP advances psychological research of interest and relevance for the human condition around the world and serves as the outlet for internationally relevant basic and applied research in scientific psychology. | #555 |
American Psychoanalytic Association APsaA is the oldest national psychoanalytic organization in the nation. APsaA as a professional organization for psychoanalysts, focuses on education, research and membership development. | #555 |
Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers The APPIC organization exists to provide a service to members who are interested in the training of doctoral and postdoctoral psychologists as well as the working with the National Match Program that places psychology doctoral students in internships. | #555 |
Society of Behavioral Medicine SBM is a non-profit organization that brings together multiple independent disciplines: from nursing, psychology, and medicine to public health to provide new perspectives and progress on human behavior, health, and illness. | #555 |
Academy for the Psychoanalytic Arts The Academy's mission is to advance the study of psychoanalytic epistemology, theory, practice, ethics, and education within a psychological framework consisting of philosophy, the arts, and the anthropic sciences. The Academy accepts papers and articles that support its mission of rethinking psychoanalysis as being outside of a medical model. | #555 |
APA PsycCareers Jobs Psyccareers is a job board website dedicated to psychology-related career opportunities, offering resources for job seekers and employers in the field of psychology. The website includes job postings, career advice, and information about professional development opportunities for psychologists. | #555 |
Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards The ASPPB is the alliance of state, provincial, and territorial agencies responsible for the licensure and certification of psychologists throughout the United States and Canada. | #555 |
Psych Learning Curve A place where educators, students, parents, activists and psychologists can explore the latest in psychology education and education in psychology. | #555 |
APA Society for the Teaching of Psychology The STP, Division 2 of the APA, promotes excellence in the teaching and learning of psychology. The Society provides resources and services, access to a global collaborative community, and opportunities for professional development. The Society strives to advance the scholarship of teaching and learning; advocate for the needs of teachers of psychology; promote diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives within the teaching and learning of psychology; foster partnerships across academic settings; and increase recognition of the value of the teaching profession. | #555 |
North American Society of Adlerian Psychology NASAP's mission is to foster and promote the research, knowledge, training, and application of Adlerian Psychology, maintaining its principles and encouraging its growth. NASAP thrives as a meeting place for a broad spectrum of professionals in fields of education, psychology, psychiatry, counseling, social work, coaching, pastoral care, business, and family education and champions the tenets of Individual Psychology through its annual conference, journals, newsletters and associated training opportunities. | #555 |
American Psychosomatic Society The APS is dedicated integrating mind, brain, body and social context in medicine since 1942. It's mission is to advance and integrate the scientific study of biological, psychological, behavioral and social factors in health and disease. | #555 |
APA Society for Community Research and Action The SCRA, Division 27 of the APA, Division of Community Psychology encourages the development of theory, research, and practice relevant to the reciprocal relationships between individuals and the social system which constitute the community context. The Division hosts a three day biennial conference and has formed interest groups in the areas of international community psychology, rural psychology, aging, applied settings, and children and youth (prevention issues). | #555 #088 |
Association for Women is Psychology AWP is a diverse feminist community of psychologists and allied professionals invested in the integration of personal, professional, and political power in the service of social justice. | #555 |
Articles, Research, & Resources in Psychology A psychology resource provides free access to a variety of articles from journals by Ken Pope, Ph.D | #555 |
Asian American Psychological Association The AAPA was founded by a group of Asian American psychologists in San Fancisco, California. The first core group was formed and included educators, social workers, master’s level psychologists and other mental health professionals. The group was vitally interested in Asian American psychology and mental health issues, in the training and education of Asian American mental health professionals, and in collaborating and networking with their peers. | #555 |
Society for Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychology Founded in 1979, the Society for Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychology is the 39th division of APA. With more than 3,000 doctoral level psychologists, graduate students and allied mental health professionals, it is one of the largest associations of psychoanalytic professionals and scholars in the world. Our members represents the full diversity of contemporary psychoanalytic theory, research and clinical practice. | #555 |
Midwestern Psychological Association The MPA is a regional psychological association affiliated with the APA. Regional associations are representative of the scientific and professional interests of the psychologists within a given region of the country. The mission of MPA is to advance the science, teaching, and application of psychology with a special focus on the Midwestern region of the United States. | #555 |
Society for Psychophysiological Research The SPR is an international scientific society whos purpose is to foster research on the interrelationships between the physiological and psychological aspects of behavior. To promote this purpose, the society publishes scientific literature, including the journal Psychophysiology, and holds annual meetings for presentation and discussion of original theory and research, instrumentation and methodology, and new directions and standards in the field. | #555 |
Western Psychological Association The WPA was founded in 1921 for the purpose of stimulating the exchange of scientific and professional ideas and, in so doing to enhance interest in the processes of research and scholarship in the behavioral sciences. | #555 |
Association of VA Psychologist Leaders The AVAPL is a non-profit organization with a voluntary membership of psychologists with various leadership roles within the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA). Our purpose is to address the professional needs and concerns of VA psychologists. Our primary goal is to help provide the highest quality of patient care to our nations veterans. | #555 |
Eastern Psychological Association EPA was founded in 1896 and is the oldest of the regional Psychological Associations in the United States. Its sole purpose is to advance the science and profession through the dissemination of professional information about the field of Psychology. EPA proudly counts psychologists of every stripe as members from clinicians to neuroscientists; from experimental psychologists to applied psychologists in private practice, industry and the military. | #555 |
Southeastern Psychological Association SEPA is the largest psychological organization in the southeast whos purpose is to advance psychology as a science, as a profession, and as a means of promoting human welfare. Our mission is to stimulate the exchange of scientific and professional ideas across the diverse areas of psychological inquiry and application. The student members of SEPA, from psychology undergraduate and graduate programs reflect the varied interests of their mentors in the behavioral sciences, from the functions of the brain to the actions of nations. | #555 |
Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science SIPS brings together scholars working to improve methods and practices in psychological science. Anyone interested in improving psychological research is welcome to join, regardless of experience. | #555 #137 |
Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy The Society is an international community of practitioners, scholars, researchers, teachers, health care specialists, and students who are committed to preserving and expanding the theoretical and evidentiary base for psychotherapy and psychotherapeutic relationships, supporting life-long learning of psychotherapeutic skills, as well as making the benefits of psychotherapy accessible to all. | #555 |
APA Society for the Psychology of Women Div. 35 provides an organizational base for all feminists, women and men of all national origins, who are interested in teaching, research, or practice in the psychology of women. The division recognizes a diversity of women's experiences which result from a variety of factors, including ethnicity, culture, language, socioeconomic status, age, and sexual orientation. | #555 |
APA Psychologists in Independent Practice APA Division 42, the Community for Psychologists in Independent Practice. We offer tools and learning opportunities to increase your professional skill building and practice development across the span of your career, whether you’re a student, early career psychologist, mid career professional, or a seasoned practitioner transitioning to part-time practice. | #555 |
Southwestern Psychological Association SWPA is an official APA affiliate for the Southwestern nine-state region of the United States and works to promote and strengthen psychology’s scientific, professional and educational facets. SWPA prides itself on serving the psychological community by providing access to scientific advances and professional development within a collegial atmosphere. Students are welcomed and treated as active and valued participants in the discipline. Additionally, SWPA strives to maintain diversity in its membership, its leadership and its program. | #555 #503 #504 #516 #518 #525 #531 #536 #542 #543 |
International Society for Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis ISPS promotes dialogue and multidisciplinary interaction, enriching our knowledge of the psychological and experiential aspects of psychosis and welcomes all those interested in psychological and social approaches to psychosis: nurses, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, arts therapists, occupational therapists, psychotherapists, academics, students, managers, and individuals with lived experience of psychosis, or unusual/extreme states. | #555 |
Association of Psychology Training Clinics APTC is the national organization for directors of psychology training clinics. Its members are directors of clinics that are typically associated with pre-doctoral graduate training programs in professional psychology clinical, community, counseling, clinical child, and school psychology at regionally accredited universities. | #555 |
International Association for Psychoanalytic Self Psychology IAPSP is an Illinois non-profit corporation comprising an international community of physicians, psychologists, social workers, marriage and family therapists, and nurse practitioners. While self psychology is a theory based on psychoanalytic principles, psychoanalytic training is not in itself a prerequisite for membership. | #555 |
Institute for Psychoanalytic Training and Research Founded in 1958 as a membership society for analysts sharing an interest in Freud’s theory and technique, IPTAR continues to be a community committed to the lifelong study of psychoanalysis. In addition to our world-renowned training program in Adult Psychoanalysis, IPTAR created an IPA approved Integrated Track in Adult and Child Psychoanalysis. | #555 |
National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology NITOP is an annual conference for teachers of psychology who wish to explore new ideas that will enhance and broaden their teaching skills. The conference allows psychology faculty an opportunity to get together to hear stimulating talks and to exchange ideas and advice about the challenges, frustrations, problems, and pleasures of teaching psychology. | #555 |
APA Adult Development and Aging Div. 20 focuses on growth, development, and challenges during adulthood and old age. Members are academicians, researchers, practitioners, and students with broad interests that include cognitive and emotion processes, social and personality development, individual and cultural differences, healthcare and workforce concerns, caregiving, technology, clinical needs, and ageism. | #555 #404 |
Society of Psychological Hypnosis Division 30 of the APA is devoted to exchanging scientific information, advancing appropriate teaching and research, and developing high standards for the practice of hypnosis. We encourage research into the area of hypnosis and develop regional and national continuing education workshops on clinical applications of hypnosis. | #555 |
APA Society for the History of Psychology An international organization of scholars, teachers, and members whose interests and scholarship are concerned with understanding the historical events and important people who have shaped the development of psychological thought and practice. | #555 |
National Alliance of Professional Psychology Providers NAPPP is a professional psychology practice association that represents psychologists in the United States. NAPPP's goal is to support and advance the practice of psychology as a means to promote health, education and human welfare. Our Mission is to promote and advocate for the clinical practice of doctoral level psychology. Training programs include a certification in Clinical Geropsychology. | #555 |
Society for the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity and Race Div. 45 of the APA is the major representative body for psychologists who conduct research on ethnic minority concerns or who apply psychological knowledge and techniques to ethnic minority issues. The Division’s purpose is to advance psychology as a science and to promote public welfare through research, to apply research findings towards addressing ethnic minority issues, and to encourage professional relationships among psychologists with these interests. | #555 |
Masters in Psychology and Counseling Accreditation Council MPCAC mission is to accredit academic programs that provide science-based education and training in the practice of counseling and psychological services at the master’s level, using both counseling and psychological principles and theories as they apply to specific populations and settings. | #555 |
American Institute for Psychoanalysis AIP has been training mental health professionals for the clinical practice of psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy and has been a place for the open exchange of ideas. AIP became one of the first psychoanalytic institutes to change its charter to admit psychologists, social workers and psychiatric nurses into its student body, and to open up training at all levels of experience. The AIP has also expanded its charter as we were approved by New York State to have a licensure qualifying program in psychoanalysis. | #555 |
International Council of Psychologists The ICP is a vibrant small organization focused on biopsychosocial aspects of human rights, dignity and justice. The mission of ICP is to advance the science and practice of psychology and to support the use of psychological knowledge to promote social health and justice. | #555 |
Psychologists in Public Service Responds to the needs of the public in areas such as psychological practice, research, training, and policy formation. Provides a forum for its members to discuss common professional interests, to advocate for the mental health needs of the public, and to promote the use of evaluation and research in public research programs. | #555 |
APA Div. 31 - State Provincial and Territorial Psychological Association Affairs APA Div. 31 (SPTA) goal is to provide you and all psychological associations with useful resources, services, and benefits as well as being your voice for psychological association issues within APA. Our mission to provide advocacy for state, provincial and territorial associations about our issues within the governance structure of APA; to facilitate communications among SPTAs their staffs and members; and to promote and recognize the activities of individual SPTAs and their representatives. | #555 |
Association of Counseling Center Training Agencies ACCTA is dedicated to promoting excellence in doctoral psychology internship training within university and college counseling centers. Fundamental to our values is appreciation of and support for diversity, and the enrichment an inclusive multicultural community brings to the organization and to training generally. | #555 |
Council of Graduate Departments of Psychology COGDOP is a society constituted of Chairs and Heads of Departments of Psychology or other equivalent administrative units which are authorized to offer graduate degrees in psychology in institutions accredited by their regional accrediting association. | #555 |
Society of Psychologists in Leadership SPL is professional society made up of excellent and congenial psychologists who work as executives, managers, leaders and consultants with executives and managers in organizations and corporations in a variety of sectors, including business, government, health, community services and consulting and academics. | #555 #106 |
Society for Environmental, Population and Conservation Psychology Div. 34 is behavioral researchers and practitioners who conduct and apply research and advance theory to improve interactions between humans and our natural and built environments. Our diverse interests include: environmental design, conservation psychology, environmental perception and cognition, climate risk messaging, human response to natural and technological hazards, contextual theories and methods, teenage pregnancy, loneliness, and environmentally induced stress. | #555 |
Society of Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy Div. 49 provides a professional home for all psychologists interested in the study and application of group dynamics. The division promotes the development and advancement of the field of group psychology and the modality of group psychotherapy through research, teaching and education and clinical practice. Div. 49 assists psychologists beginning careers in group psychology and psychotherapy with career development, financial planning, work/life balance, funding and grants. | #555 |
Brunswik Society An informal association of researchers who are interested in understanding and improving human judgment and decision making. Members of the Society share an appreciation of the work of the psychologist Egon Brunswik. | #555 |
Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinities Students, early career psychologists, seasoned psychologists, mental health professionals, social workers, counselors, researchers, and other mindful persons can find a professional home at SPSMM. The society promotes the critical study of how gender shapes and constricts men’s lives. | #555 |
Psychotherapy Networker Symposium The Most Celebrated Annual Gathering for Psychotherapists in the World, Live in DC & Online. No other conference has more practical workshops led by world-renowned clinical experts that can transform your outcomes with clients. | #555 |
Association for Integrative Psychology The AIP was formed to encourage holistic approaches and integration in the fields which study human behavior and its change. The purpose is to promote awareness and acceptance of complementary, alternative, and integrative approaches to human behavior as viable ways to facilitate change. Integrative Psychology is a branch of study and practice that seeks to unite traditional medicine, psychology, and other alternative and complementary approaches | #555 |
New England Psychological Association NEPA is dedicated to the advancement of psychology as a science, as a profession and as a means of promoting human welfare. Our primary purpose is to bring those interested in psychological science and the teaching of psychology together annually with an annual conference that focuses on empirical research in psychological science as well as best practices and innovations in teaching. | #555 #507 |
Council of Chairs of Training Councils The mission of the CCTC is to provide a forum for communication among doctoral, internship, and postdoctoral training associations in psychology. CCTC promotes discussion of professional education of psychologists, develops recommendations to be reviewed and possibly implemented by member organizations, encourages communication between CCTC members and more. | #555 |
Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict and Violence The purpose of APA Division 48 is to increase and apply psychological knowledge in the pursuit of peace. This young organization that welcomes professionals and students who wish to contribute to peace. | #555 |
Academy of Medical Psychology AMP is a membership organization for those who are interested or trained in medical psychology. AMP was founded in 1998 to provide a number of membership services, including continuing education, mentoring, recruitment of those wanting to become involved in medical psychology, and to promote research on the practice of medical psychology. | #555 |
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities/Autism Spectrum Disorder Division 33 of the APA is a professional organization concerned with psychological research, professional education, and clinical services that address the needs of individuals with IDD/ASD across the life span. | #555 |
Psychoanalytic Research Consortium PRC is an independent, Not-for-Profit Corporation, whose purpose has been to collect recordings of psychoanalyses and other psychoanalytically informed psychotherapies. | #555 |
International Psychology Division 52 of the APA represents the interests of all psychologists who foster international connections among psychologists, engage in multicultural research or practice, apply psychological principles to the development of public policy or are otherwise concerned with individual and group consequences of global events. | #555 |
National Council of Schools Programs of Professional Psychology NCSPP is an organization composed of delegates from programs and schools of professional psychology. NCSPP’s goal is to advance the development of the highest quality of graduate training in professional psychology. | #555 |
State and Local Psychology Resources
Discover our State and local psychology resources on their associated State page using the interactive U.S. Map below. State and local resources you will find include: associations, organizations, agencies, clubs, societies, consortiums, institutes, boards and other groups.