Master’s in Community Psychology Programs and Resources

A career in community psychology involves theory application/progress, research, and social action. Most community psychologist’s work environments are located within communities and involve interaction with diverse groups of people. The long-term aim of most community psychologists is to promote health and empowerment in solving and preventing problems in communities and/or groups of people. On both the master’s and Ph.D. levels, many community psychologists collaborate with various social groups for both research and work application.  Examples of a community psychology service would be partnering with schools to help stop bullying; or coordinating with local neighborhood organizations to improve support for victims of natural disasters. Refer below to the list of colleges, ranked according to affordability, for community psychology graduate degree programs.

Masters in Community Psychology

Most Affordable Community Psychology Master’s Programs

Alverno College The AC Master of Science in Community Psychology will help you to meet your goals of becoming a Licensed Professional Counselor. Students will engage with community issues and organizations as you learn the connections between community well being and the well being of the individuals therein.
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Martin University The MU Master of Science in Community Psychology provides a contemporary curriculum in a healthy and collegiate environment to students seeking advanced education in the mental health counseling profession. Graduates will be able to perform in community settings include: addiction facilities, public and private mental health counseling centers, correctional facilities, inpatient psychiatric units.
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National Louis University The NLU M.A. in Psychology is designed for those passionate about the study of human behavior and the many diverse career options available in helping, business and teaching professions. Choose focused areas of study by selecting from concentrations in General Psychology, Community Psychology, Psychological Assessment, or Teaching of Psychology.
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Sage Colleges (MPCAC) The Sage Master of Arts in Community Psychology focuses on the systems, practices and tools needed to effectively address mental health and community welfare issues. The program consists of a community psychology core, a research methods sequence, general psychology electives, a required Health Services Administration elective, and the capstone experience. Sage also offers a MS in Forensic Mental Health.
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Texas Southern University The TSU MA in Clinical Community Psychology is designed for the development of students who wish to study the empirical and theoretical foundations of psychology with application to a variety of urban settings broadly conceived to include community, clinical, and educational institutions. The TSU MA in School Psychology is designed for students interested in the theory and practice of school psychology.
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University of New Haven The UNH Master's in Community Psychology is one of the oldest graduate programs in the country. Three concentrations include: community-clinical services, program development, and forensic psychology. Students can tailor their curriculum to meet their individual needs and professional goals.
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Antioch University Los Angeles AU Los Angeles offers a MA in Clinical Psychology and a MA in Psychological Studies. The MACP specializations include: Addiction and Recovery, Applied Community Psychology, Child Studies, General Practice, LGBT-Affirmative Psychology, Professional Clinical Counselor, Psychological Trauma Studies, and Spiritual and Depth Psychology.
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Point Park University The PPU Master's in Clinical-Community Psychology offers a theoretical orientation based in existential-humanistic, feminist, critical and liberation social psychologies. We train our students to work for community mental health outreach programs and community focused nonprofit organizations while also preparing them for further graduate studies in psychology or related fields.
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Portland State University The PSU Master's in Applied Psychology creates understanding and solutions to enhance lives and address societal problems. Core courses include Applied Social/Community Psychology, Applied Developmental Psychology and Industrial/Organizational Psychology. Along with our research, our work with students reflects our commitment to realizing human and organizational possibilities to their fullest.
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Central Connecticut State University CCSU offers a MA in Psychology has three specializations. The Community Psychology track is designed to train students to be active practitioners in prevention and community-based research. The Health Psychology track is designed to prepare students for a career in health psychology. The General Psychology track is designed to prepare students for a career in the field of human services.
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Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University The FAMU Master of Science Degree in Community Psychology has a Black Psychology and Multicultural Mental Health emphasis. Courses include: Psychopathology, Individual Personality Testing, Community Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Advanced Behavior Modification, Seminar in Theories of Personality, and more.
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University of Cincinnati (ABAI) The UC Master of Arts in Psychology (MAP) program has two primary areas of focus: Organizational and Community Psychology. Both areas rely on a solid foundation in psychology, including an understanding of the factors that influence behavior (social psychology) and how individuals think, process information, and make decisions (cognitive psychology). UC also offers a Master of Education in Foundations of Behavior Analysis.
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Most Affordable Community Psychology Doctorate Programs (PhD, PsyD)

Wichita State University (APA) The WSU PhD in Clinical Psychology integrates education and training in traditional clinical psychology with innovations from community psychology. Students can gain expertise in a number of clinical areas including psychological assessment, various cognitive-behavioral approaches to psychotherapy, child-peer interaction, treatment and prevention of depression, self-help groups, and high risk behavior in adolescents.
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Wichita State University The WSU PhD in Community Psychology offers educational, research and practice experiences in real world community organizations and uses an apprenticeship model of education, giving students extensive experience in community research and practice work groups led by faculty mentors.
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Bowling Green State University (APA) The BGSU PhD in Clinical Psychology follows a scientist-practitioner model of training in which the development of research skills, coursework and clinical practica are integrated into a coherent program of study. Students may chose to concentrate in one of three areas within clinical psychology: Clinical Child Psychology, Health Psychology, or Clinical Community Psychology.
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Point Park University The PPU PsyD in Clinical-Community Psychology uniquely integrates community psychology with clinical psychology, equipping students with diversified skills to pursue a variety of career paths. The program emphasizes evidence-based community research and applications. Students will graduate prepared to manage established clinical and community programs, or start their own.
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Portland State University The PSU PhD in Applied Psychology areas of emphasis include: Applied Developmental Psychology; Applied Social Psychology; Community Psychology; Applied Quantitative Psychology and Industrial/Organizational Psychology.
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DePaul University (APA) DU offers a MA/PhD in Clinical Psychology with optional Child track or Community track, a MA/PhD in Community Psychology, and a MA/PhD in Psychological Science. The MA/PhD is a combined degree. The MA is non-terminal and, therefore, only students intending to earn the PhD are admitted.
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University of Alaska Anchorage (APA) The UAA PhD in Clinical-Community Psychology is a scientist-practitioner program that seeks to educate scholars and clinicians, who have strong commitments to research, evaluation, clinical practice, and community-based action. The program integrates clinical, community, and cultural psychology with a focus on rural, indigenous issues and an applied emphasis on the integration of research and practice. The program is on the forefront of creative and enriching knowledge dissemination that is relevant to rural communities; focuses on public service, the uniqueness of rural environments; and the celebration of diversity.
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University of North Carolina Charlotte (APA) The UNCC PhD in Health Psychology offers three areas of concentration: Clinical Psychology, Community Psychology and General Health Psychology. A particular emphasis of the program is on the development, implementation, and evaluation of prevention and treatment interventions that involve multiple disciplines.
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University of Maryland Baltimore County (APA) The UMBC PhD in Human Services Psychology is composed of three interrelated and complementary programs which provide education and training in clinical psychology, behavioral medicine, and community psychology. The program is based on a scientist-practitioner model of training which aims to provide students with skills as both researchers and practitioners.
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Alliant International University (APA) The AIU California School of Professional Psychology PhD in Clinical Psychology and PsyD in Clinical Psychology produces forward-thinking professionals. Areas of emphasis include: Multicultural Community Psychology, Social Justice Psychology, Forensic Psychology, Correctional Psychology, Clinical Health Psychology, Integrative Psychology, Psychodynamic emphasis and more.
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Georgia State University (APA) The GSU PhD in Clinical Psychology is based on the scientist-practitioner model and is designed to train clinical psychologists who take a scientific approach for contemporary and innovative careers in research, practice, and/or teaching. The GSU PhD in Clinical Neuropsychology have general clinical psychology training as well as specialized clinical neuropsychology training. The GSU PhD in Clinical Community Psychology seek training in both clinical and community psychology and aim to be eligible for clinical licensure following graduation.
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Georgia State University (APA) The GSU PhD in Community Psychology administers a concentration in Community Psychology (COR) and jointly administers (with the Clinical program area) a concentration in Clinical-Community Psychology (CLC). In addition, the Community Psychology program area administers a dual degree M.P.H./Ph.D. program in collaboration with Georgia State’s School of Public Health.
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Hofstra University (APA,NASP) The HU PsyD in School-Community Psychology prepares students to become skilled psychology practitioners in school and community health settings. It is responsive to, and welcomes diversity in both its students and faculty. Emphasis is placed on training psychologists to coordinate these services between school and community settings.
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North Carolina State University (HFES) NC State offers a PhD in Applied Social and Community Psychology, a PhD in Human Factors and Applied Cognition Psychology, a PhD in Industrial/Organizational Psychology, and a PhD in Lifespan Developmental Psychology. Students apply to an area and benefit from cross-disciplinary coursework and research across areas. We have a rich, long history of granting graduate level degrees, beginning in 1948.
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University of South Carolina (APA) The USC PhD in Clinical-Community Psychology provides doctoral level training in psychological science and training in health service psychology. We bridge the psychology subfields of clinical and community psychology to consider health at the individual, family, and community levels.
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University of Virginia The UVA PhD in Psychology offers additional degrees in: Cognitive Psychology, Community Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Quantitative Psychology, Social Psychology, and Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience. Each area of specialization may have distinct application and graduation requirements. You may also choose the quantitative psychology concentration add-on.
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University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (APA,PCSAS,APCS) The UIUC PhD in Clinical Community Psychology is designed to train scholarly and scientifically oriented researchers and professionals with a variety of interests. Our educational philosophy emphasizes a creative, scholarly, and socially responsible approach to clinical and community psychology. Our mission is to produce graduates who assume leadership roles and contribute to the discipline and to society.
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Michigan State University MSU offers a PhD in Cognition and Cognitive Neuroscience (CCN), a PhD in Behavioral Neuroscience, a PhD in Community Psychology, a PhD in Organizational Psychology, and a PhD in Social/Personality Psychology. We also offer on-line graduate training in program evaluation. Many of our faculty members and students collaborate with others in the department outside of their primary program, as well as with scholars across campus and at other institutions across the world.
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Wayne State University (NASP) The WSU MA in School and Community Psychology is a three year program and students earn a Master's Degree, and a graduate certificate in Advanced Graduate Studies in School Psychology.
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University of Miami The UMiami PhD in Community Well-Being (CWB) trains community-engaged action-researchers committed to promoting well-being and social justice through rigorous theoretical analysis and community-based research. The program is rooted in the discipline of Community Psychology and prepares scholars for careers in academia, research, and public policy.
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Community Psychology Associations, Journals, and Resources

American Association of Community Psychiatry The AACP is a network of community psychiatrists, and other psychiatric care practitioners from across the country who work together to promote resiliency and recovery-oriented psychiatric services for individuals, families and communities where and when its needed.
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American Journal of Community Psychology The AJCP publishes research, theory, and descriptions of innovative interventions on a wide range of topics in community psychology. It is the official publication of the Society for Community Research and Action: The Division of Community Psychology of the American Psychological Association.
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APA Society for Community Research and Action The SCRA, Division 27 of the APA, Division of Community Psychology encourages the development of theory, research, and practice relevant to the reciprocal relationships between individuals and the social system which constitute the community context. The Division hosts a three day biennial conference and has formed interest groups in the areas of international community psychology, rural psychology, aging, applied settings, and children and youth (prevention issues).
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Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice GJCPP is an online journal for practitioners of community psychology and community improvement.
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Community Psychology Topical Interest Group CP-TIG promotes the values and methods of community psychology in evaluation and evaluation theory and practice in community psychology. Vision is to strengthen relationships of evaluators who share community psychology values, expanding opportunities to receive support, network building, and future collaborations.
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Society of Community Research and Action - Community Psychology Div. 27 (Community Psychology) of the APA serves community psychologists and all focused on community empowerment, prevention, and health. Community psychology goes beyond an individual focus and integrates social, cultural, economic, political, environmental, and international influences to promote positive change, health, and empowerment at individual and systemic levels.
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