Idaho Master’s in Psychology Degree Programs and Resources

Below is a list ranked by affordability of colleges in Idaho that offer both terminal (master’s in psychology only) and non-terminal (master’s in psychology with doctorate) psychology programs. There are two universities providing seven postgraduate psychology degrees. The programs can be classified in the following areas of study: psychology, education of school psychological examiner, psychology human factors, clinical psychology, experimental psychology, school psychology, and experimental psychology emphasising human factors. There is a section at the bottom of the page called, “Idaho Psychology Resources” that lists websites highlighting useful, local psychology information. Bordering states that provide psychology graduate degree programs are Utah, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Montana, and Wyoming.

Idaho Masters in Psychology

Idaho Master’s in Psychology Programs

Idaho State University The ISU Master of Science in Psychology students will gain an understanding of core areas and the breadth of the field of psychology and its applications.
$$#TD #512
Idaho State University The ISU Master of Education of School Psychological Examiner aligns with the National Association of School Psychologists’ professional standards to assess cognitive and academic abilities, or describe behavior, personality, or aptitude of P-12 learners in order to determine eligibility for services.
$$#TD #512
University of Idaho (HFES) The UI Master of Science in Psychology Human Factors students will learn to analyze, understand and enhance how people interact with technology, products, computers, equipment, facilities and other environments. Graduates help businesses, government and others improve performance, efficiency, safety, training and more.
$$$#TD #512

Idaho Doctorate in Psychology Programs

Idaho State University The ISU PhD in Experimental Psychology provides students with an education and research training in core areas of psychological science (e.g., behavioral neuroscience, behavioral pharmacology, cognition, developmental psychology, learning, personality, sensation and perception, social psychology, research methodology, and statistics). Our faculty's areas of expertise include clinical, cognitive, social, developmental, personality, learning, physiological, comparative, and behavioral pharmacology.
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Idaho State University (APA) The ISU PhD in Clinical Psychology mission is to train competent clinical psychologists who can apply and adapt general conceptual and technical skills in diverse regional and professional settings. Such a clinician must have strong methodological and critical thinking skills and a broad background in the science of human behavior, psychopathology, empirically supported methods of assessment and treatment, cultural diversity, and interdisciplinary processes.
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Idaho State University (NASP) The ISU EdS in School Psychology aligns with the National Association of School Psychologists' professional standards and is the minimum preparation level for school psychologists and special education directors in most states. This program can lead you to licensure as a school psychologist in Idaho.
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University of Idaho (HFES) The UI PhD in Experimental Psychology with an emphasis in Human Factors students will study how humans interact with technology and the built environment. Students are expected to work closely with faculty on research projects throughout their time in the program.
$$$#NTD #512 #101

Idaho Psychology Licensing and Resources

Idaho Psychologist License Lookup Psychologist License Search in Idaho
Idaho Board of Psychologist Examiners Mission is to help protect the public health, safety and welfare through the licensure and regulation of those who practice psychology in Idaho.
Idaho Psychological Association The IPA is dedicated to advancing psychology as a profession, practice, and a scientific endeavor in Idaho. IPA aims to promote health and human welfare by encouraging the application of psychology in individual and family life, business, law, healthcare, and education. IPA works to increase public appreciation of psychology, to foster the development of potential and early career psychologists, to provide continuing education for psychologists.
National Alliance on Mental Illness Idaho Located in Idaho Falls, ID, the mission is to improve the quality of life for all those affected by mental illness through support, education, advocacy and research.
Rocky Mountain Psychological Association RMPA was founded in 1930 for the purpose of advancing psychology as a science, as a profession and as a means of promoting human welfare in the States of Colorado, Arizona, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming. During April of each year a convention is held at various locations throughout the region at which scientific papers, posters and symposia are presented. RMPA remains an advocate throughout all phases of professional development by the dissemination of scientific and professional ideas.
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Idaho Psychiatric Association Located in Boise ID, the IPA is a membership organization that represents Idaho psychiatrists. We work to improve the treatment, rehabilitation, and care of persons with mental disorders in the State of Idaho.
Idaho Society of Individual Psychology ISIP is an non-profit organization of people in the state of Idaho who are interested in furthering the concepts of Individual Psychology, the psychology of Alfred Adler. The goal of Individual Psychology is to encourage individuals to develop behavior that is based on mutual respect, cooperation, and social interest.
Idaho Psychology Internship Consortium The ID-PIC's mission is to prepare and retain health service psychologists to provide culturally competent collaborative health care for Idaho’s diverse population. We represent the collaborative effort of multiple Idaho agencies to share resources and faculty for the purpose of providing a diversified educational program for doctoral psychology interns.

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