Moshe Ratson was born and raised in Israel but always wanted to be in New York. In this podcast, Moshe discusses his academic and professional journey which eventually led him to become an innovative and well-known psychotherapist, business consultant, and executive coach in New York. He recalls what made him gravitate toward psychology and admits that learning about all of the available psychology programs, schools, degrees, and career paths was “pretty confusing” but explains that once he knew he wanted to have a private practice in marriage and family therapy, the choices became clear to him.
Moshe earned his Bachelor of Science in Marketing and International Trade, his Master in Business Administration, and his Master of Science in Marriage and Family Therapy/Psychotherapy all within New York. He then became a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) and clinical member of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT). His experience serving as a Vice President of Sales at a Fortune 500 Company along with his experience in marketing, business, coaching and consulting led him to start his own practice. Today, Moshe is the Founder and Executive Director of spiral2grow Marriage and Family Therapy in New York and has an anger management book called “Anger Is Your Compass.”
During our discussion, Moshe shares what colleges in New York for psychology and therapy he attended and why he chose them. He also discusses some of the requirements associated with becoming a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) in New York including how many clinical hours were needed back in 2006 when he received his license. He discusses some of the philosophies and methodologies used in the field of psychology and which ones he uses in his practice. Finally, he talks about his practice, spiral2grow Marriage and Family Therapy, and how it has evolved through the years and how it is different from other psychological practices.
Around the 32-minute mark in the podcast, Moshe offers specific advice for those wanting to start their own business or their own practice. One aspect of his practice focuses on sports psychology, and he admits that his experience as a professional basketball player helps him connect with his clients especially while working with NBA players, NFL players, and Olympians. Moshe was also a basketball coach, a secret service expert, and served in the army as a military officer.
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Interests and Specializations
Moshe Ratson uses a personal counseling approach that incorporates integrative psychotherapy that draws from a variety of methodological approaches. His areas of expertise include marriage and couples therapy, premarital counseling, infidelity counseling, anger management and emotional management, self-esteem and confidence as well as many types of coaching, consulting, and self-confidence and assertiveness training.
Export Management Certificate (1989); Braude Academic College, Karmiel, Israel.
Bachelor of Science (BS), Marketing and International Trade (1992); Fashion Institute of Technology, NYC, NY.
Master in Business Administration (MBA), Management and Entrepreneurship (2002); Baruch College, New York, NY.
Master of Science (MS), Marriage and Family Therapy/Psychotherapy (2006); Iona University, New Rochelle, NY.
Other Sources and Links of Interest
Moshe Ratson at PsychologyToday
Moshe Ratson at WikiHow
Moshe Ratson at GoodTherapy
Podcast Transcript
00:00:12 Bradley
Welcome to the Master’s in Psychology podcast, where psychology students can learn from psychologists, educators, and practitioners to better understand what they do, how they got there, and hear the advice they have for those interested in getting a graduate degree in psychology. I’m your host, Brad Schumacher, and today we welcome Moshe Ratson to the show. Moshe has an MBA in Management Entrepreneurship and a master’s degree in marriage and family therapy/psychotherapy. He is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) and is the Founder and Executive Director of spiral2grow Marriage Family Therapy in New York, NY. Today, we will learn more about his academic and professional journey and discuss how he turned his MBA, MS, LMFT and sales and marketing experience into a successful business. Moshe, welcome to our podcast.
00:01:03 Moshe
Thank you very much, Bradley, for having me.
00:01:05 Bradley
Well, to start off, I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule. I know our audience is really going to enjoy hearing about your journey. In addition to your experience in business, sales, marketing, you have been a professional basketball player, a basketball coach, a military officer, and a Secret Service expert. What made you gravitate toward psychology?
00:01:29 Moshe
Uh, basically we can go back to history. My history. But as far as I remember myself, I always, always. I was intrigued by human psychology sociology, the process of the of personal growth and, uh, you know how you know things can change and especially in regards to the personal element. And then, you know, remember myself reading books very early on, very, you know, at very young age about love, philosophy, uh, how to be better. And yes, it’s it seems like, you know, it’s innate part of, of what I love.
00:02:13 Bradley
It seems like it’s part of your, your genes and your makeup and who you are. You have a variety of educational experiences, including earning your certificate in export management at Braude…is it Braude or Braude academic college?
00:02:29 Moshe
It’s, it’s art or art. He basically the, you know school, which is it is, yeah.
00:02:32 Bradley
OK. All right. OK. And then you received your bachelor’s degree in marketing and international trade at the Fashion Institute of Technology. So, tell me more about your experiences earning your export management certificate and your bachelor’s degree.
00:02:50 Moshe
Yeah, it’s a. It’s, you know, I, I always wanted to study business, uh, yeah, uh, not exactly I can tell you more about it, but at one point I had a friend that uh, that uh made me follow a particular path which he recommended me. And, and the path was pretty simplistic. I mean, you go to art to the School of Management for a kind of international trade and then later on, I mean transfer this credit to FIT. And I always wanted to be in New York, and I thought, well, that could be a great opportunity just to do that, to transfer the credit and have my bachelor’s degree in business in, uh, in New York. And that’s what I’ve done.
00:03:37 Bradley
Where did you grow up, Moshe?
00:03:39 Moshe
I was born and grew up in Israel.
00:03:42 Bradley
OK. And then when did you get to the United States?
00:03:47 Moshe
The first time it was in 1990. I was here for a couple of years, left back to Israel and came back. To permanently until today ‘97.
00:04:00 Bradley
OK. And then you when you first came back or when you did return, did you have you always been in New York or have? You been in other states as well?
00:04:07 Moshe
Yeah, yeah. Always in New York, that’s, it’s a, it’s, it’s, it’s a beautiful place. I mean, I mean, I know it’s can, can be crazy place for many, but I love it. Took me a while to get used to it to be honest.
00:04:19 Bradley
Well, as you may find out or have already found out, anytime that you travel across the United States, Southeast, West, and North, you’re going to have different cultures that you experience as well, so.
00:04:31 Moshe
That’s true.
00:04:31 Bradley
I, I know that when you went to FIT and then after that you attended Baruch College for your MBA, were you considering other schools at that time or why did you choose that particular college?
00:04:44 Moshe
The Baruch College, you know, I had a kind of like a professor that I really knew that you really recommended me that program. You know, at that particular time I was thinking for short time about the NYU, Columbia and some kind of high more high prestige public school but, at that particular stage I, I really wanted was focusing on having the degree of the MBA and I know it’s a good program. I already by that time I was much older, much more experienced. I had enough business experience, you know, on my belt. So, I just want to be honest, just probably the title then I, I love learning, so I said OK, let me do that.
00:05:25 Bradley
Well, it sounds like you love learning, because after that you went on for your Master of Science in marriage and family therapy/psychotherapy at Iona University. At what point did you kind of consider, hey, I’ve had enough of this business, I, I know this, I know the sales, I know the marketing. I want to kind of switch my, my focus a little bit. So at what point did you know that you wanted to earn your Master of Science in in marriage and family therapy?
00:05:52 Moshe
Yes, so, so. And again, it, it was a process. Of course, it was a process. And, uh, I start to contemplate more toward, you know, my studies of my MBA. Uh, the, but the reality is that I, I forgot almost about it. But later on, I, I started to I remembered that immediately when I was in Israel, after the army, I applied to study psychology in Tel Aviv University, and I was rejected. You know, I, I was pretty good student, but for whatever reason it was one of the most difficult programs to be accepted. And here you go. I mean, you find yourself back into something that really intrinsically was part of you, and you wanted to do that. It didn’t work out, but I came here, like I say in the backdoor. Even more experience, much better, more much more mature, with much greater skills to utilize in my own psychological practice. So, I, I think, you know, whatever life presented you, you know, just do the best and that’s the that the timing was right.
00:07:04 Bradley
Well, good, that’s good advice. I, I know when I talk to most of my guests, I usually ask this question and I’m going to ask the same question of you. What was important to you when selecting a graduate psychology program?
00:07:22 Moshe
So, you know, when I started to kind of thinking about schools in terms of psychology, I first of all had to, to learn all these programs, uh, license degrees and, and it was pretty confusing to be honest. I mean, we’re talking about the psychologist, social workers, uh, mental health counselors, MFT’s you really didn’t know what is out. And to be honest and later on, you realize that there is a lot of politics in involved in, in, in all these different kinds of professions. But, for me, because I knew that I wanted to have a private practice, I wanted to have the probably the shortest period in which I’m gonna get into school, so I’ll be able to be there to build that as quickly as possible. And then, you know I, I came across the relatively new profession in in in New York and in the states in general which is marriage and family therapy. And for you know beyond that the kind of timing? It’s it was so appealing, I mean this philosophy of, of systemic, systematic way of thinking. Uh, looking at things from parts and wholeness so could be applied to so many aspects, starting from individuals to couples to families to even organization. At that time, I was doing a lot of executive coaching and coaching in general, even before I was a therapist. So, I said, wow, that was very, very powerful way of looking at things and, and that’s why attracted me to, to that area and, and at that time you know I selected Iona College because if I’m not mistaken, that was only the first or second school that was accredited by New York State at that time, so I didn’t have so many options anyway. And so that’s why I selected the Iona.
00:09:31 Bradley
Well, that’s a good summary and you brought up a good point. Many of our audience members may be thinking of getting their certificates, becoming an LMFT. Do you remember? I know you have your license in LMFT in New York. Do you recall what was kind of required there, I assume? Correct me if I’m wrong. Some academic, you know, credits, courses and then some supervised hours and then anything else that you can kind of delineate or, or give us a little bit more information on it?
00:10:01 Moshe
No, I think, uh. And I think again after you’re getting I, I mean there is the, the degree in which educational credits that you need to get. The, uh, I, I think the, the and, and really the bigger part of the challenge was to gain the supervised clinical hours that many, many people are challenged by this to be honest. But I was lucky enough to have a good network of people in, in places agencies and, and, and, and really supervise it. That allows me to, to really gain the hours, to do it as quickly as possible. I, you know, I was lucky enough to be able to even to immerse myself totally full-time in, in that and to, to make it as quicker as possible. So, you’re beyond that, I don’t remember.
00:10:51 Bradley
OK, do you remember approximately how many supervised hours you needed to attain?
00:10:55 Moshe
You need to attend. You know, at that time it was, uh, you know, 1500 hours, clinical hours to do that. And it was breaking broken down to individual couples, families and things like this. Yeah.
00:11:09 Bradley
OK, so kind of going back and thinking about what you went through for your psychology graduate degree, what advice do you have for those offerings to, you know? Seeking not only a graduate degree in psychology, but anything else that you mentioned. A lot of different branches and a lot of different ways of applying. So, kind of looking back at what you went through, what kind of advice would you offer those seeking a graduate degree in psychology and how, how are we supposed to decide if I’m looking at getting into psychology, how do I even decide a branch, let alone should I open my own practice? Should I go into the academic world? Should I become a social worker? Kind of give me your thoughts on that.
00:11:56 Moshe
Yeah, I think this is a very good question. I, I think everything starts with understanding yourself, understanding what you want. What is the purpose? I mean education and path is just leading you to a particular place. So, what exactly are you looking for? Are you interested in in working in organization, or you were interested in forensic psychology, and you’re interested in working for agencies? Are you interested in working for yourself? What exactly do you want? Do you like and, and then after you know why or what? You want to do. Then you start looking for programs that are going to feel or support that endeavors or goals. So, it’s really very, very depending on what and, and for me, I always, when I’m doing this career coaching for many, that’s exactly what I’m telling them. Look for what you want. Or what you need or what is your goal? And then meet yourself where you are? And then see what is the missing pieces. And what exactly? What is the best path, path for you to get at that particular point? And again, you need to be connected to that. Clearly, if you have passion. Follow that, follow your passion, follow your love. And OK, if you don’t make the right decision right, left there, you know you’ll be able to change it, you know? But think long term and, and just use it as an opportunity to, to start with something. You don’t have to know everything 100%, but you know you can always change. So, start with something. Think about that and, and just go for it.
00:13:41 Bradley
Very good advice and good suggestions, not only with you within your academic career, but just in in your life in general as well. So, in hindsight, would you do anything different in terms of the process related to searching for graduate schools and, if so, what, what would you change?
00:14:01 Moshe
Uhm, no, not really. I think I. You know, I was first of all, I’m, I’m very happy where I am and I, I don’t know, I. Again, I didn’t have so many options in regards to, to what I’ve done, and I was very happy, I mean totally supported, exactly what I wanted. So, uh. And again, there is the professional aspect, but if there is so much. That I care. It’s about learning and educating myself and, and today I mean with the, with the, with the world of technology you can learn so much by yourself. And you can grow, and the fact of the matter is that, again, we talked about the difference aspect of psychological professions that ultimately once you get a license, truly you can really move left or right and you can create a specialty to support that, but the license is really the key that allows you to, to do that so. That’s, that’s my, my recommendations or suggestions or advice.
00:15:09 Bradley
Well, you mentioned one thing that I wanted to highlight and the technology back when you were searching for graduate schools, totally different than what is available now. So much more resources are available online to help you do that background research on which schools, that sort of stuff. And you mentioned, I believe that you’re kind of limited on the number of schools that you could go to. So, you, you did the best you could with, with that. But I, I said before we started recording this podcast, you have a variety of experiences as I said. And one thing that I, I couldn’t uncover right away when I was researching your, your journey was what did you do immediately after graduating with your master’s degree? What did you do as soon as you got that master’s degree?
00:15:54 Moshe
So, uh. First, I was doing some kind of like because of my business background. I was doing even previously before that, while I was in school, a lot of consulting, business consulting as well as coaching. But clearly immediately after that I had to do, in addition, I had to focus on the practical on doing the hours to complete the necessary hours to get the license. So that’s, that’s what my focus was.
00:16:23 Bradley
OK, yep. And so, your LMFT, you earned enough credits, enough hours. And then after that, how soon after that did you start spiral2grow? Or did, I think you had that kind of already in the background, more coaching and then you went into their practitioner role. Correct me if I’m wrong, is that right?
00:16:44 Moshe
Yes, yes, that’s correct. So. 2006, I got my license so formally, you know, kind of like a really spiral2grow was established. But again, as you said, they started that earlier than that.
00:16:57 Bradley
And so, I’m going to share my screen and for those who are just listening, I’m going to his website. And I wanted to share this because this has some good information on here and tell me while I’m bringing this up. Uhm why you started spiral2grow and how it has evolved throughout the years? Well, you know, tell us a little bit more about your, your business here.
00:17:27 Moshe
Yeah, so, so it’s, it’s kind of like a very interesting evolution. Uh, you know, I. Originally uh. You know, clearly. I mean, I have different kind of like services starting from coaching for couples counseling. And you know family business and business in general as, as well as a different kind of within psychotherapy, different kind of like aspects. And, and it’s kind of like an interesting aspect because originally, I still came with a lot of business mindset. So, when I started my business, I really thought about doing. A lot of money. So, I, I really had a lot of people works for me as interns, as kind of like associates to grow my business. And, uh, at one point I, I stopped and said to myself, what do I do? I love therapy. I love the working of counseling but suddenly I found myself doing more management than when, than, than really kind of like really doing therapy. And, and after getting to a particular point, said it’s enough. Let me scale down. And be my own master of my own domain and, and take it easy and, and, and now I, I let go of all my interns and people that work for me and now I’m working by myself. So, it was kind of like almost like a reverse aspect of growing my business to, to get smaller, to be ultimately happier and to be able to, you know, to, to manage my own, uh, kind of like business and life, just to have a quality of life.
00:19:14 Bradley
Well, that’s interesting. I’m going to stay on that for a moment because usually the typical person who opens up their own practice starts by themselves, starts working. And then you of course you have that business aspect of running a business as well and you either have to do it yourself or learn how to do it or you know, get somebody else to come in and, and take care of the business aspect and the money and the insurance. Sounds like you did that. You grew and grew and then all of a sudden you realize now this is too much. Let me simplify and let’s go down. Now you’re back down to yourself. So, are you doing everything yourself? You’re doing the counseling, the coaching, the business aspect, dealing with the.
00:19:50 Moshe
Uh, from, from the, from. Basically, from the, the, the, the, practical, if it’s the coaching, the counseling. I do it myself right now. I do work from a business aspect. While I do a lot and I enjoy that, I, I, I do have people that I’m partnering with. I clearly have a lot of networking of other professionals that that sometimes we work together for uh on different kind of like aspects. So, but the majority of things are now done by myself, yes.
00:20:22 Bradley
OK. And so, you have. Tell me what the typical day looks like for you in your role, now that you’ve kind of made life simpler for you. What’s the typical day look like for you?
00:20:37 Moshe
So, a lot of it obviously I mean is uh is it’s really depending on the time the clients wants to see me and the that that’s really the key, the beginning but. Uh, in parallel, I mean clearly, I mean you always have to think a kind of a longer terms as an entrepreneur. I say some of that as a practice. You always, always have to think about marketing yourself, selling yourself and how you can create the platform really ultimately to create a reputable, you know, business so, so people can ultimately comes and ongoing. So, this is an ongoing process. So, if it’s about search engine optimization and if it’s about social media, marketing, and networking so on and so forth, that’s requires a lot of work and, but you know I, I learned to adapt and learn and. And love it.
00:21:31 Bradley
It sounds like you do, and you simplified things. I’m sharing the screen again and I did this while you were talking earlier, but what I would I find interesting about spiral2grow is the variety of services that you have. So, you have the, the practitioner side psychotherapy talking about all of these different ways groups, anger management, self-esteem, confidence. All different types of relationships, all the way down to single adult children, all the way going to marriage and family, premarital counseling, infidelity, open relationships, gay, lesbian, LGBTQ. And then you have this aspect of coaching, executive coaching, career coaching and all of those other coaching avenues. And then you have all these other services that you provide and so. Tell us why you, you know, let me, let me rephrase it. How is spiral2grow different than the other businesses or practitioner you know businesses that you typically see out there? How, here’s, here’s your chance to say, hey spiral2grow is different because X.
00:22:41 Moshe
Yeah, thanks for that opportunity. I think a lot starts with myself because that’s, that’s my business and what I bring to the table. And I think what is? Uh, I think what is unique for me more than others. Again, I cannot compare, but I just can’t tell you. Is that my history know, as you can see, you know, uh, you know, not only in terms of education. I only was able to luckily be exposed to experiences. If it’s the military, if it’s being an athlete. The, uh, you know, coaching businesses, all these things is not just theoretical, it’s pretty practical. And all of them are really supporting one another. And I think many, many of my clients really appreciate that experiences and knowledge because I really can relate to them in a very, very deep, uh, elementary level. And I so, so having, having that experiences with my desire to continually growing and adopt different kind of philosophies and methodologies. I, I think people can create the synergy with me and, and really can relate and see my passion for, for that well people and to my clients so this is just that, and I just got a call recently from, from one of my pros, just a prospect, and he says he went to my website, he says “Wow.” He wanted to go to anger management, he says I, I really didn’t realize how much content you put so comprehensive, and it was a good feel but as we know in psychology for so many elements and aspects that are relating to one another, I mean, you know, we talk about anger, which is not only just anger, it’s about feelings of sadness and hurt and disappointment. How can we take psychotherapy without coaching? How can you attend to the present without attending to the past or the future? And you can go so on and so forth, but my approach of looking at things from there only for my holistic perspective it’s, it’s really beneficial because ultimately, I want to make people happy, and happiness could be come in different domain and area to enhance your life. So, I think this is this is my, my, my approach to that and I found it to many of my clients find it helpful.
00:25:07 Bradley
Well, I see on your YouTube, you have a YouTube channel and here are a couple of them that are out there, psychotherapist in New York City, Moshe Ratson on spiral2grow and then you also have one on couples therapy and then as I mentioned you have your channel here and anything from group therapy, couples therapy. Uh, going ahead getting into any of the 10 building blocks of self-esteem, anger management was in here as well. How to manage stress. So, if you’re interested in, in what you are offering and in some of the YouTube videos that are out there, feel free to go to look up spiral2grow. SPIRAL the number 2 and then GROW and you’ll find out a little bit more. And then here I, I brought this up because many people who are in the field of psychology might ask themselves, well, if I wanted to see a therapist. How do I find one? And you actually have a relatively short video on how to find a psychotherapist in New York City as well. So, one thing that I usually ask my guests if they are a practitioner is what’s your ideal therapist or counselor? If you were going to attend counseling or therapy, what were some of the attributes of the ideal counselor or therapist?
00:26:34 Moshe
And, and then clearly, it’s very, very subjective and it should be you know kind of like individual listing, but obviously we all know as a therapy there are some, some fundamental aspect. I can, I can just share on a high level about that and, and then specifically what I would look for, but clearly there the aspect of unconditional positive regards therapies. That is really kind of like a nonjudgmental, a therapy is that it’s really sincere and real. Yes, someone is compassionate, someone that meets you where you are. I know about many therapies that really likes to talk about the high level and we say OK you need to do that, you need to let go. You need. But we don’t explain how to get there. You know, they, you know, they use all these phrases, but they don’t really meet the person where they are, how to take small steps to get to that particular point. And I, I think this is really require a special skills of understanding the process. So, understanding what are the blocks and what are preventing someone to, to do or not to do certain things most of the time not to do. And I do think if there is a lot of methodologies that really addressing that, that people therapists need to understand and use it. And to understand how to uncover, I said, you know the unconscious because you know, many times we know what we need to do, but we don’t do it. So, the question is why? How do you unpeel? You know these layers to ultimately try to take the necessary steps to move toward your goals, and this is not an easy thing. They’re not trivial aspect.
00:28:20 Bradley
You, you’ve shared with us all the different aspects of what you do and what your typical day looks like. What’s the biggest challenge of your job?
00:28:35 Moshe
Again, it’s like I, I’m, I’m embracing that challenge. I do think that especially as an entrepreneur, you always non-stop have to adapt to new technologies to, to create new videos. For example, I neglected that for a while. I need to go back and do more videos and more Instagram. And so on and so to really basically develop, continually develop content, you know, to create your authority and that’s your livelihood and do that. And you know, you know, again, being a being a Center for new or entrepreneur itself, I mean requires a lot of hats, a lot of responsibilities, a lot of things to do. I mean for me it’s fun, but it’s work. So do that.
00:29:20 Bradley
Yep, yep. Well, hopefully being a guest on this will help you as well. We’ll share the word, and we’ll share your website and, and hopefully that will help you. Uh, for a lot of people owning their own business, it’s word of mouth. It’s getting your name out there. It is letting people know what you do and make it easy for them to contact you and then obviously bring them in. What do you like most about your job?
00:29:48 Moshe
Well, one of the, uh, many things, but in particular, it’s really my, my work with my clients sitting in my office in front of them. Really interacting. I love people. I love helping, you know with the, with the process of change. You know when there is a challenge, how can you really try to immerse them? And and, and, it’s, it’s. It’s really. It’s a work that it is, it’s direct but gentle at the same time. And being able to move him toward change. But do it, doing it gently and compassionately. Uh, so I, I love that. I love that. And, and there’s something that maybe many of my clients kind of don’t realize and they don’t realize how much they are helping me, you know? You know, but you know some of the clients, you know, you’re so such a great guy, such a nice guy. You love helping people. I said that might be the case, but honestly, I love what I do. I, I love just interacting with you. And you give me so much reminding me what you know, what, what I have, what I, you know, gratitude and appreciation and you know, ultimately, it’s, it’s, it’s really coming from inside. So, so I, I love it and again, if, if I always say if my clients knew how much they helped me, they probably will, will charge me for that.
00:31:15 Bradley
Now, I’d say there are many careers out there where you almost get more from your customers, clients, students than you do when you are trying to impart your knowledge and your experience as well, so I can understand what you’re saying. What advice would you give someone trying to break into the field of psychology?
00:31:33 Moshe
I, I think, uh, I shared some of the things again. They we, we need to, first of all, really, truly understand why do they do what we want to do? Understanding the why. And, and following a lot of it is from certain kind of values, understanding their values, understanding their passion and, and connect, connect them to reality and try to manifest that. In in well, what’s happening? And then finding the way to get closer to that. Uh, continue finding the, the right program. And again, it doesn’t have to be the perfect program. It’s, it’s a process. It’s a journey. That, uh, that you’ll have to adjust to embrace.
00:32:18 Bradley
Any particular advice for those interested in starting their own business or their own practice?
00:32:25 Moshe
Uh, yes, I, I would say that. And again, that’s related to unfortunately in, in, in, in general, in, in many professions they don’t teach you how to build a business. What is it require? And the sooner you know that, the better you are going to become, the more successful you’re going to be. So, I would I, I encourage many people, even though they want we, we start schooling just have your website ready. Create content. Don’t wait until you over. You need to create name for yourself, develop content. You don’t have to say I’m a licensed ready to work. Just, just pull in information. Create data, build data and or whatever, you know, there’s so much. The better it is.
00:33:22 Bradley
Very good advice. I am sharing my screen one more time here and I know that you have a book “Anger Is Your Compass.” Tell us more about the book and why you wrote it.
00:33:35 Moshe
Yeah, I mean I hope that the toward the end of the year, you know this book will be published. So, I’m just in the process of finalizing it in terms of the kind of design and so on and so forth. And, and originally, I mean I came with a group of people that we were doing some spirit supervision that really was focusing on anger. I said, OK, let me just do that. Anger management may know it, but little by little I mean as I started to write information and knowledge about that, I really immersed myself in that and see what people are thinking only on anger as anger, per se, but deep, deep inside what you analyze that you understand that this is about emotional intelligence, how to deal with uncomfortable emotions and, and really utilize them in a proper way. So, anger, it’s not just about anger, it’s about almost again as negative emotions it could be about disappointment, frustration, anxiety, stress, pain inheritance, so on and so forth. So, I, I developed along the line of working with for my clients reading I think I have, I don’t know, hundred books about anger and emotions or maybe even more that I was reading and learning and created kind of like a unique framework that integrates some Western psychologists and philosophy. Uh, you know, different kind of aspect of, of methodologies to really creating a unique framework that allows you to, to take anger and ultimately transform it into a positive force into your life ultimately to create value from it. And I, I think it’s it, it’s it was an amazing journey. It is a great journey. I always love that, and I know that this is going to be just the first book toward other books to increase that kind of platform and framework into other emotions as well. And, and that excites me.
00:35:38 Bradley
Well, it sounds like it. I wish you luck with the book. We’ll highlight that as well on our website. I usually end the podcast with a few fun questions and one I could already answer for you, but I’m going to still ask you tell us something unique about yourself.
00:35:54 Moshe
So, something unique about myself. I, I, you know, I, I was in, when I was in the Israeli army, I participated in, uh, in, in Lebanon War, which was not as pleasant to say the least. Uh, learned a lot, gained a lot of friends and through the process, but I, I lost a lot of them as well. And umm, yeah, and there are also other some probably some confidential information, information that they cannot reveal otherwise I’ll have to, to tell you and kill you after that, but I wouldn’t do that so.
00:36:37 Bradley
Right, right. Yeah, no, I, you know, looking, part of the fun for me, and I told you this already, is doing the research on my guests. And it was fun figuring out what you did, the timeline of your academic and professional journey. And I, I do have to ask because I played basketball for a little while, so you’re a professional basketball player and a basketball coach. Tell us a little bit more about that high level.
00:37:04 Moshe
Yeah, I, I. When I, you know, when I was young, sports was my life. I mean I started with soccer playing and, and I think I, I really focused since 9 years old, I, I really focused on that. It’s, it’s gave me so much pleasure. Uh and so, so that took me to, to really develop these skills and later on you know, I was, I was professionally playing in Israel. Uh, loved, I mean to that day I’m playing you know with friends and just keep me young and enjoy every moment. And again, that’s really teaching you so much if you know you can introduce kids to sport.
00:37:38 Bradley
00:37:44 Moshe
It’s, it’s absolutely great. So, I was also coaching and, and to that day I’m, I’m I. One of my aspects is, is, is sports psychology. And, and I love that because I’m working with NBA players and NFL players, Olympians and it’s just, it’s, it’s because I have so such a close kind of connection to that. It’s, it’s, it’s very interesting and I love it.
00:38:10 Bradley
They probably relate really well with you knowing that you have that shared experience and you can relate to them as well, so. What is your favorite term, principle, or theory and why?
00:38:24 Moshe
Yeah, in terms of psychotherapy? I mean for honestly there’s so many, many great, uh, you know, you know beautiful programs. I mean, I, I for me I mean one of the most powerful programs that I really appreciate is internal family system. Uh, emotionally focused therapy for couples in particular. Uh, you know, Gottman therapy. Uh, yeah, uh, I, I like to integrate. So, I always learn and see and, uh, you know, bring in different domains that that really enhance my, my view of looking at things and how to help people. And toward more in originally, I you know, I came with a lot of attachment therapy, kind of like CBT, but more and more I’m, I’m, I’m fascinated by emotions. And the power of emotion, how to really take emotions and transform it, which is not an easy part. And of course, body work as well.
00:39:27 Bradley
OK, one final fun question. If you had the time and money to complete one project or go on one trip, what would you do?
00:39:41 Moshe
One trip or one project? What should I do?
00:39:44 Bradley
Yeah, if you had the time and money to complete one project or go on one trip, and it could be anything you want, what would you do?
00:39:56 Moshe
Wow, that’s a, they think about that. That’s an interesting question. I, I don’t know. It’s like it seems to me when, when you say complete it’s, it’s at least somewhat scary to me. I mean I always love changing and growing so I, I think. I, I don’t see an end to that. So just you know, learning of growing and learning it’s something that I love all the time, clearly, I think finishing that book, I mean it’s going to be a milestone and, and I’m excited about that. It’s some kind of a completion. Uh, yeah, and we’re off to the next project.
00:40:40 Bradley
Maybe, you brought up a good point. Maybe, I should rephrase that to my guests and instead of saying a complete one project, maybe I should say if you had the time and money to start one project or go on one trip, what would you do? Maybe I should update that now that you brought that up.
00:40:56 Moshe
Yes, yes, so. Yeah, there are many things. I think it’s; it’s about having fun life. So, you know, I it’s, it’s hard for me to answer that question in that way.
00:41:09 Bradley
OK. Fair enough, fair enough. Is there anything else that you would like to discuss or bring up on this podcast?
00:41:16 Moshe
No, nothing, nothing. Nothing at all, I mean. Thank you very much for really just inviting me. I really appreciate that to talk about my practice myself. And it’s always, I love to engage with people, and I appreciate your work. I mean really doing so much in creating value to many of the students or the people that wants to engage in, in that profession.
00:41:40 Bradley
Well, Moshe, I really appreciate your time and willingness to share your journey with us. Thanks again for sharing your advice with this as well.
00:41:48 Moshe
Thank you. I appreciate that.